Sunday, August 26, 2007

Time Effortlessly wasted

Soo i sit on my ass 16/7 and sleep for the other eight hours.
I was just informed exactly what mup.sys is, it is a valuable driver that is required by Microsoft... yea another "fuck you everyone i want all of your money" ,.|.. " from Microsoft's money hungry gypsy organization -=- founded by that rich piece of trash Bill Gates, whom of course Bit off of, Linus Torvalds who is the creator of the famous linux kernel...

Believe that everyone is entitled to software if they work for it.

I mean I Crack it and others purchase it or if you use Ubuntu or Gnome, Red hat or any of the Linux desktop O.s. you can find it on Gnome.

Think about what it would have been like in the days when there was no money and people bartered for what they wanted, and if they didn't have the thing someone else wanted then they didn't get it..

To make a long story's short In every "great" organization there is some kind of truancy or corruption, no one gets where they are without doing anything wrong and crushing those they can even if it means they have to steal... like Bill Gates the 40,000,000,000 man who stole certain ideas and functions from Linus Torvalds to develop his precious windows and filed a minuscule lawsuit against a man who was developing an O.s. that was going to allow msw and Linux to co-exist simultaneously on one machine... The man developing this O.s. is named
Michael Robertson and he was sued for $10,400,000 in reaction to a freeware O.s. called Lindows.

MUP.sys Is a compressed driver file that makes your windows Xp Home Sp2 machine run like shit after 4 months & if you get rid of it... your shit wont turn back on.

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